Introducing our Team

Materialstrap is designed and developed by a small team of developers, in fact so small there's only one!

Interested in helping out at materialstrap and joining the team? We're looking for talented community members, find out more soon.

Greenpencil (Katie Paxton-Fear)


Hello there, my name is Katie Paxton-Fear and I make things, more specifically I make useful things, things people enjoy and things I think are pretty cool. I created Materialstrap as a way to bring some material design concepts into a web environment in a big way.

My skills involve website design and development, desktop programming and I'm learning French! My interests include Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics and AI Design. If you want to find out more about me and what I do, check out my blog and personal website

 Web Developer C# Developer Web Designer Graphic Designer French

BellLabs (Timothy from the Internet)


Hi there! My name is Tim, and I enjoy tinkering around with computers. I've tinkered around with computing clusters, and am currently trying to learn Java.

My skills include Linux system administration on a non-formal level, network cabling, and basic Avaya MAC on the CM5 system. My interests include gaming, computing, and reading science fiction. If you want to contact me for whatever reason, my number is [REDACTED].

 Linux  Sysadmin  Networking  Student  IRC